900FMA-SQ Fiberglass Square Market Umbrella

The 900FMA-SQ Fiberglass Square Market Umbrella provides not only shade and shelter but also style to outdoor patio spaces. Mix and match the umbrella and vent colors to achieve perfection in the design of any outdoor seating arrangement. Available options: 9′ or 11′ canopy size, one or two-piece fiberglass pole, or one-piece powder-coated aluminum pole.

Size: 9′ or 11′ Square Market
Height: 98″
Mast Diameter: 1.5″
Weight: 20 lbs.
Materials: Frame – .750 Fiberglass Solid Ribs, Nylon Hub, Joints & End Tips, Stainless Steel Pin & Chain / Canopy – Sunbrella 9 oz. Marine Grade Acrylic Fabric

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