TP398-1034 280 Sq. In. Rotating Pedestal Grill with 2 3/8 In. O.D. Post

Our TP398-1034 280 Sq. In. Rotating Pedestal Grill with 2 3/8 In. O.D. Post has 280 square inches of cooking area. The cooking grate has cool-coil handles and can be adjusted to 4 different levels. The firebox is 3/16” steel with a high temp black powder-coated finish. Post is a galvanized iron pipe with inground mounting only.

Height: 48 1/8″
Width: 20 1/16″
Depth: 16 1/8″
Stacking: No
Material: 2 3/8” O.D. Post – 7 ga. Base Plate – 10 ga. Side Plate – All MIG Welded

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